
MitiMara Economic Model

Platform Revenue:

  • Active Revenue Streams:

    • Pi Donations: Users can donate Pi tokens to support MitiMara's mission.
    • Pi Subscription: Users can subscribe for 1 Pi, which gives them 100 points.
  • Future Revenue Streams:

    • Pi Ads: MitiMara can key into the Pi Network Core Team's Pi Ads platform, allowing users to watch ads and generate revenue.
    • Carbon Credits Sale: Selling carbon credits earned from verified tree plantings to organizations looking to offset their carbon footprint.
    • Event Sponsorships: Sponsorships for events like our upcoming City Bounty Contest (shown in our roadmap).

Revenue Pots:

Each revenue stream contributes to open revenue pots, which are shared based on revenue fractions. These pots can be closed or opened, and the choices are currently made by the MitiMara team. We plan to decentralize these decisions as we move towards tokenized assets (points, trees, etc.), also detailed in our roadmap. You can view our current open revenue pots, which serve as reward accounts for both the team and users.

User Revenue:

  • Earning Points:

    • Users earn MitiMara points for planting and verifying trees. Each planting or verification activity grants a specific number of points.
    • Points can be exchanged for Pi tokens, a feature upcoming in our roadmap.
    • Additional activities, such as referrals and community policing, will create more revenue sources and corresponding pots, like the referral pot and community policing pot.
  • Pi Claiming:

    • Users can choose when to exchange their points for Pi tokens in a gamified manner.
    • For example, the optimal time for a planter to claim his reward is when the planter reward pot has more Pi and there are fewer planters to share the reward. Rewards are shared proportionally based on the formula:
      • Planter reward = (Planter points / Total planters' points) * Planter reward pot balance.


MitiMara's economic model integrates various revenue streams, including active and future sources, to sustain the platform and incentivize users. By leveraging Pi donations, subscriptions, ads, and carbon credits, along with community-driven rewards and gamified Pi claiming, MitiMara fosters a sustainable and rewarding ecosystem. Join us in our mission to make the world a greener place, one tree at a time.

For more information, please visit our Website, join our Community, and follow us on Twitter.